2013年10月16日 星期三

Novell 釋出 XGL增益 %26 Compiz

本文出自:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!KK7iL7aRGBZahfOWRo9uPeo-/article?mid=52&prev=55&next=51&l=a&fid=6 網絡轉發,如有侵權,敬請告知刪除!
Novell 釋出 XGL增益 %26 Compiz
Novell is announcing its contribution of the Xgl graphics subsystem and the %26#39;Compiz %26#39; compositing manager to the X.org project. These enhancements open up a whole world of hardware acceleration, fancy animation, separating hardware resolution from software resolution, and more. As a result, Linux desktops will become more usable, end-user productivity will increase, and Linux is firmly positioned at the forefront of client computing technology.
Under the leadership of Novell%26#39;s David Reveman, Novell has sponsored and led the development of this powerful new graphics subsystem for Linux since late 2004. Xgl is the X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL and takes advantage of available accelerated 3D rendering hardware. It is designed to integrate well with the composite extension and performs best when a compositing manager is running. %26#39;Compiz%26#39; is the new OpenGL compositing manager from Novell and is the framework that enables the development of graphical plug-ins.簡單說, 這個桌面系統有著硬體加速, 真實的透明效果, 炫麗的動畫, 和許多特性便於一般使用者使用
而Compiz 是一個OpenGL混合管理器, 而它的framework以提供圖形plugin的開發
上圖引用自該官方網頁(The above image is refered from the Novell URL mentioned above)
